【브레이크뉴스 대구】진예솔 기자=대구한의대학교는 제25회 부산대-대구한의대-동의대 국제한의학 학술대회를 성료했다고 28일 밝혔다.
지난 7일 대구한의대 제한동의학술원과 동의대학교 한의학연구소 및 부산대학교 한의과학연구소가 공동 주관으로 ‘통합적 암 관리 접근을 위한 상호협력’이라는 주제의 국제학술대회를 개최했다. 이날 행사에는 국내외 교수, 학생, 연구자 등 120여 명이 참석해 성황을 이뤘다.
학술대회는 2개의 세션으로 진행됐다. 중국, 일본, 대만의 연구자들 및 국내 연구자들의 구연 발표 외에도 94편의 연구 성과들이 포스터로 발표되어 통합적 암 관리에 관한 최신 지견 소개와 함께 다양한 암 치료를 위한 한의학의 역할에 관해 활발한 토론이 이어졌다.
외국 연자로는 중국 Henan University의 Feng Zhu 교수가 ‘Inhibiting AurkC by Kaempferitrin can overcome Gefitinib resistance through inhibiting DNA damage response in NSCLC’을 소개했고 일본 Yokohama University의 Sung-Joon Kim 교수가‘The Role of Kampo Medicines in the Treatment of Cancer’에 대해 발표했다.
또한 대만 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University의 Tung-Yi Lin 교수는 ‘From COVID-19 Prevention to Lung Cancer Treatment: The Miraculous Functions of Ganoderma microsporum Immunomodulatory Protein (GMI)’에 대해 발표했다.
대구한의대에서는 한의학과의 김경순 교수가 ‘A Korean Medicine-Based Integrative Cancer Treatment’에 대해 구두 발표했으며, 한의예과의 이상남 교수가 좌장으로 참여했다.
김미려 제한동의학술원장은 “해가 거듭될수록 학술대회의 위상이 증가하고 있다”며 “중국, 일본, 대만 및 국내 우수 연구자들의 연구 발표와 학생들의 열정적인 참여로 증가하고 있는 암환자의 통합적 관리를 위한 한의학의 역할을 고민하고, 비전을 제시하는 의미있는 자리였다”고 말했다.
Daegu Haany University announced on the 28th that it successfully completed the 25th Pusan National University-Daegu Haany University-Dongui University International Oriental Medicine Conference.
On the 7th, Daegu Haany University’s Hanjeon Dong-ui Academic Institute, Dong-ui University’s Oriental Medicine Research Institute, and Pusan National University’s Oriental Medicine Science Research Institute co-hosted an international academic conference with the theme of ‘Mutual Cooperation for an Integrated Cancer Management Approach’. The event was attended by approximately 120 professors, students, and researchers from Korea and abroad, making it a great success.
The conference was held in two sessions. In addition to oral presentations by researchers from China, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, 94 research results were presented as posters, introducing the latest knowledge on integrated cancer management and leading to active discussions on the role of Oriental medicine in treating various cancers.
Among foreign speakers, Professor Feng Zhu from Henan University in China introduced ‘Inhibiting AurkC by Kaempferitrin can overcome Gefitinib resistance through inhibiting DNA damage response in NSCLC’ and Professor Sung-Joon Kim from Yokohama University in Japan presented ‘The Role of Kampo Medicines in the Treatment of Cancer’.
In addition, Professor Tung-Yi Lin from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan presented ‘From COVID-19 Prevention to Lung Cancer Treatment: The Miraculous Functions of Ganoderma microsporum Immunomodulatory Protein (GMI)’.
At Daegu University of Oriental Medicine, Professor Kyung-Soon Kim of the Department of Oriental Medicine gave an oral presentation on ‘A Korean Medicine-Based Integrative Cancer Treatment’ and Professor Sang-Nam Lee of the Department of Oriental Medicine participated as the moderator.
Kim Mi-ryeo, the director of the Hanjeongdong Academic Research Institute, said, “The status of the academic conference is increasing year by year,” and “It was a meaningful opportunity to think about the role of Oriental medicine in the integrated management of the increasing number of cancer patients and present a vision through research presentations by excellent researchers from China, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, and enthusiastic participation of students.”
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 대구경북
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