【브레이크뉴스 대구】진예솔 기자=윤석준 대구 동구청장이 정치자금법 위반 혐의로 재판에 넘겨진 것에 대해 “심려를 끼쳐 송구하다”며 27일 입장을 밝혔다.
윤석준 동구청장은 “기소로 주민 여러분께 심려를 끼쳐 송구하다”며 “흔들림 없는 동구 구정을 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.
또한 “향후 성실히 재판에 임해, 사실관계 소명에도 최선을 다하겠다”고 전하기도 했다.
앞서 대구지검은 제8회 전국동시지방선거 과정에서 정치자금법을 위반한 혐의로 윤 구청장과 당시 회계책임자였던 A씨(동구청 민원비서관)를 불구속 기소했다.
A씨는 6.1 지방선거 당시 선거관리위원회에 등록되지 않은 윤석준 청장의 개인 계좌에서 문자메시지 발송비 등 5300여만 원을 불법적으로 사용한 혐의를 받는다. 또한 A씨는 선관위에 회계책임자로 자격신고를 하지 않은 채 관련 업무를 수행하면서 7800여만 원을 수입·지출한 혐의도 받고 있다.
검찰은 윤 청장의 개인 계좌에서 정치자금이 빠져나간 것을 근거로 윤 청장이 최 씨와 공모한 혐의가 있다고 봤다.
공직선거법 상 회계책임자가 정치자금법 위반으로 300만 원 이상의 벌금형을 받으면 선출직 공직자는 직을 상실한다. 선출직 공직자는 정치자금법 위반으로 벌금 100만 원 이상 형이 확정되면 당선무효로 직을 상실한다.
On the 27th, Dong-gu District Mayor Yoon Seok-joon expressed his position regarding his indictment on charges of violating the Political Funds Act, saying, “I apologize for causing concern.”
Dong-gu District Mayor Yoon Seok-joon said, “I apologize for causing concern to residents with the indictment,” and “I will do my best for Dong-gu’s unwavering administration.”
He also said, “I will faithfully attend the trial in the future and do my best to clarify the facts.”
The Daegu District Prosecutors’ Office previously indicted District Mayor Yoon and Mr. A (Dong-gu District Office Civil Affairs Secretary), who was the accounting manager at the time, without detention on charges of violating the Political Funds Act during the 8th National Simultaneous Local Elections.
Mr. A is accused of illegally using approximately 53 million won, including text message sending fees, from Director Yoon Seok-joon’s personal account that was not registered with the National Election Commission during the June 1st local elections. In addition, Mr. A is also accused of receiving and spending approximately 78 million won while performing related duties as an accounting manager without reporting his qualifications to the National Election Commission.
The prosecution viewed that Director Yoon conspired with Mr. Choi based on the fact that political funds were withdrawn from Director Yoon’s personal account.
According to the Public Official Election Act, if an accounting manager is fined 3 million won or more for violating the Political Funds Act, the elected public official loses his or her position. If an elected public official is fined 1 million won or more for violating the Political Funds Act, the election is invalidated and the official loses his or her position.
원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 대구경북
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