대형ㆍ복합재난에 대비하기 위한 최상위 재난대비훈련인 ‘레디 코리아(READY Korea) 4차 훈련’이 20일 전북자치도 전주에서 실시됐다.
‘레디 코리아(READY Korea) 훈련’은 중앙재난안전대책본부를 중심으로 ▲ 기후 위기 ▲ 도시 기반 시설 노후화 등 잠재된 위험 요인 및 새로운 위험으로 발생하는 대형ㆍ복합재난에 대비해 범정부와 민간 합동으로 대비 태세를 점검하는 최상위 훈련이다.
전주시는 20일 팔복 LH아파트와 더메이호텔 등 시내 일원에서 소방청ㆍ전북특별자치도ㆍ한국토지주택공사 등 48개 관계기관과 합동으로 590여 명과 장비 62대를 동원, 행정안전부가 주관한 ‘레디 코리아(READY Korea) 훈련’을 실시했다.
이번 훈련은 전기차 화재의 특성과 확산 가능성을 고려한 종합적 대응 체계 구축을 목표로, 아파트 지하주차장에서 충전 중인 전기차 배터리 발화로 시작된 화재가 인근 차량과 설비로 연쇄 확산하는 과정에 강한 바람을 타고 인근 더메이호텔로 연소 확대되는 상황을 가정했다.
특히, 화재 발생 직전 스프링클러 고장으로 작동하지 않는 등 실제 상황과 유사한 조건에서 지하공간 전기차 화재 대응과 다중이용시설 인명피해 최소화를 목표로 진행됐다.
훈련은 팔복 LH아파트 지하주차장에서 충전 중이던 전기차에서 배터리 발화로 화재가 발생하고 스프링클러 고장에 따른 미작동으로 인근 차량과 설비까지 연쇄적으로 발화하는 것으로 시작됐다.
전기차 화재를 발견한 아파트 관리사무소 직원은 119에 신고했고 자위소방대는 거주자 대피를 유도하며 초기 화재진압을 시도했다.
인근 더메이호텔과 전북경제통상진흥원 자위소방대도 화재확산에 대비한 활동에 돌입했다.
119 종합상황실은 행정안전부ㆍ전북특별자치도ㆍ전주시 등 관계기관에 신속하게 상황을 전파했고, 행안부는 복지부ㆍ소방청ㆍ전주시 등 관계기관과 상황 판단 회의를 통해 상황을 공유하며 대응 방안을 논의했다.
전주시는 재난문자 발송에 이어 ‘지역재난안전대책본부’를 가동, 피해 확산에 대비해 아파트 입주민 대피와 임시거주시설 준비 등을 선제적으로 조치했다.
전북소방본부는 소방력 출동 지령과 동시에 전기차 화재를 효과적으로 진압하기 위한 특수 장비인 무인 파괴 방수차와 상방향 살수장치 및 질식소화 덮개 등을 동원했다.
이어, 아파트와 호텔 고층 고립자를 구조하기 위해 고가사다리차와 굴절사다리차를 투입했고 옥상으로 대피한 사람들은 헬기로 각각 구조하는 등 현장응급의료소를 운영, 대규모 사상자 발생에 따른 긴급 구조 및 의료 지원 체계를 점검했다.
또, 1차 진압이 완료된 지하주차장에서 전기차를 핸드 트레일러와 견인차를 이용, 지상으로 이동시켜 무인 파괴 방수차와 이동식 수화 수조를 활용, 화재를 완전히 진압했다.
덕진보건소는 사상자의 중증도를 분류하는 절차를 거쳐 환자 상태에 따라 병원으로 이송했다.
전북대병원과 원광대병원 등도 현장에 출동해 부상자 응급처치와 이송 등 응급의료소 운영을 지원했다.
전북경찰청은 순찰차와 기동대차량 등을 동원, 교통을 통제하는 동시에 주민 대피를 지원했다.
한국토지주택공사와 관련기관은 시설물 응급 복구와 피해시설 철거ㆍ전기ㆍ가스 시설 안전점검 등 협업을 통해 수습 및 복구 작업에 나섰다.
행정안전부는 아파트 단지 전체와 인근 더메이호텔로 화재가 확산되면서 다수의 사망자와 중상자가 발생하는 등 피해가 증가함에 따라 ‘중앙재난안전대책본부’를 가동, 범정부 총력 대응체계로 전환했다.
이상민 행정안전부 장관은 “오늘 훈련을 통해 아파트 지하공간 전기차 화재가 대형화재로 확산되는 상황에 각 기관별 대응체계에 부족한 점은 없는지 세밀하게 점검했다”며 “훈련 결과를 토대로 다양한 대형ㆍ복합재난에 대한 대응체계를 확립해 나가겠다”고 밝혔다.
우범기 전주시장은 “훈련에 참여한 모든 분들에게 깊은 감사를 드린다”며 “평상시에도 굳건한 재난 대비 태세를 갖추는 것이 곧 강한 경제 전주를 만드는 길일 것”이라고 강조했다.
그러면서 “앞으로도 인재(人災) 없는 전주시 만들 수 있도록 함께 노력하자”고 덧붙였다.
이오숙(소방감) 전북소방본부장은 “전주에서 진행된 ‘레디 코리아(READY Korea) 4차’는 최근 빈번하게 발생하고 있는 전기차 화재에 대한 소방 대응의 중요성을 다시 한번 일깨운 의미 있는 훈련이었다”며 “앞으로도 다양한 재난 상황을 대비한 실전형 훈련을 통해 도민의 안전을 지키는 데 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.
☞ 아래는 위 기사를 구글 번역이 번역한 영문 기사의 ‘전문’ 입니다.
구글 번역은 이해도를 높이기 위해 노력하고 있으며 영문 번역에 오류가 있음을 전제로 합니다.
【Below is the ‘full text’ of the English article translated by Google Translate.
Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding, and assumes that there are errors in the English translation.】
‘Ready Korea 4th training’ held in Jeonju
Electric car fire assumption… 48 organizations participate, government-wide response
Reporter Kim Hyun-jongㆍLee Yo-han
The ‘READY Korea training’, a top-level disaster preparedness training to prepare for large-scale and complex disasters, was held in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do on the 20th.
‘READY Korea Training’ is centered around the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, and involves pan-government and private sector joint preparations for large-scale and complex disasters arising from new risks and potential risk factors such as ▲ climate crisis ▲ aging urban infrastructure. This is the highest level of training to check your posture.
On the 20th, Jeonju City mobilized about 590 people and 62 pieces of equipment in cooperation with 48 related organizations, including the National Fire Agency, Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province, and Korea Land and Housing Corporation, in areas around the city, including Palbok LH Apartment and The May Hotel, and launched the ‘Ready Korea’ event hosted by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. (READY Korea) training was conducted.
This training aims to establish a comprehensive response system that takes into account the characteristics and spread potential of electric vehicle fires. The fire, which started when a charging electric vehicle battery ignited in an apartment underground parking lot, spread to nearby vehicles and facilities, and was carried by strong winds to the nearby The May. We assumed that the fire spread to the hotel.
In particular, the goal was to respond to electric vehicle fires in underground spaces and minimize casualties in multi-use facilities under conditions similar to actual situations, such as sprinklers not operating due to malfunction just before a fire broke out.
The training began with a fire occurring due to battery ignition in an electric vehicle that was being charged in the underground parking lot of Palbok LH Apartment, and subsequent ignition of nearby vehicles and facilities due to sprinkler failure and non-operation.
The apartment management office employee who discovered the electric vehicle fire called 119, and the Self-Defense Fire Department attempted to extinguish the fire initially by encouraging residents to evacuate.
The nearby The May Hotel and the Jeonbuk Economic and Trade Promotion Agency Self-Defense Fire Department also began activities to prepare for the spread of the fire.
119 The General Situation Room quickly spread the situation to related agencies such as the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province, and Jeonju City, and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security shared the situation and discussed response plans through a situation assessment meeting with related agencies such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the National Fire Agency, and Jeonju City.
Following the sending of disaster text messages, Jeonju City activated the ‘Regional Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters’ and took preemptive measures to prepare for the spread of damage, including evacuating apartment residents and preparing temporary residential facilities.
The Jeonbuk Fire Department mobilized special equipment such as an unmanned destructor waterproof vehicle, an upward sprinkler device, and a suffocation fire extinguishing cover to effectively extinguish electric vehicle fires at the same time as giving firefighting force dispatch orders.
Next, an elevated ladder truck and an articulated ladder truck were deployed to rescue people stranded on high-rise apartments and hotels, and people who evacuated to the rooftop were rescued by helicopter. An on-site emergency clinic was operated, and an emergency rescue and medical support system was established in the event of large-scale casualties. Checked.
In addition, the electric car was moved to the ground using a hand trailer and tow truck from the underground parking lot where the first suppression was completed, and the fire was completely extinguished using an unmanned destruction water tank and a mobile hydration tank.
Deokjin Public Health Center went through the process of classifying the severity of casualties and transferred them to hospitals according to their condition.
Chonbuk National University Hospital and Wonkwang University Hospital also responded to the scene and supported the operation of the emergency medical center, including providing first aid and transporting the injured.
The Jeonbuk Police Agency mobilized patrol cars and mobile squad vehicles to control traffic and support the evacuation of residents.
Korea Land and Housing Corporation and related organizations began recovery and recovery work through collaboration, including emergency recovery of facilities, demolition of damaged facilities, and safety inspection of electricity and gas facilities.
The Ministry of Public Administration and Security activated the ‘Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters’ and converted it into a pan-government all-out response system as the fire spread to the entire apartment complex and the nearby The May Hotel, resulting in multiple deaths and serious injuries, and increasing damage.
Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min said, “Through today’s training, we closely checked whether there were any shortcomings in each agency’s response system in a situation where an electric vehicle fire in the basement of an apartment spreads into a large-scale fire.” He added, “Based on the results of the training, we will prepare for various large-scale and complex disasters. We will establish a response system,” he said.
Jeonju Mayor Woo Beom-ki said, “I am deeply grateful to everyone who participated in the training,” and emphasized, “Having a solid disaster preparedness posture even during normal times will be the way to create a strong economic Jeonju.”
He added, “Let’s continue to work together to create Jeonju without human disasters.”
Lee Oh-sook(Fire Inspector), head of the Jeonbuk Fire Department, said, “The 4th ‘READY Korea’ held in Jeonju was a meaningful training that once again reminded us of the importance of firefighting response to electric vehicle fires, which have been occurring frequently recently.” He added, “We will continue to do so in the future.” “We will do our best to protect the safety of residents through practical training in preparation for various disaster situations,” he said.
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